A statute can be defined as a written expression of
the direction or intent of a legislature or the law-makers. A law made by the
Law-makers can be interpreted or construed to determine its intended meaning.
The judicial authorities can discover true the meaning and objectives of the
legislation with the help of the process of interpretation and construction of
the statutes. Let us now distinguish between the two of them:
1) Interpretation of
a statute can be seen as a mean of understanding the law made by the Law-makers.
The aim of a Court is not just read law but to apply it in a manner which suits
from case to case. Therefore, Interpretation of statutes can be said to be a
process that is used by the courts to find out the actual implication of a
Statute or Act or a Document as well as a mean to understand its intention.
Interpretation of statutes bridges the gap between the enactment of a law and
its translation.
of a statute is the activity of translating the semantics of a legal text into
legal rules. In Law, Construction of statutes is regarded as the process of
legal explanation which makes sense of difficult and hard terms written in a
statute and gives a conclusion based on the logic and reasoning. A Court
extracts findings after inspecting the meaning of the words used in the text
through construction.
2) The basis of
Interpretation is to clarify the meaning of the words used in-laws and statutes
which might be ambiguous. There might be irregularities in laws which need to
be corrected and they can be done by applying various theories of
interpretation to see which might go against the literal meanings of those laws
or statutes. Therefore, interpretation is the process of ascertaining the true
meaning of the words used in a statute and the purpose of the legislation.
ultimate goal of Construction is to establish the legal effect of any legal
text. The basic principle of construction is to read the text, law or statute
in a literal manner. Construction of statutes basically is the process in which
a legal text is utilized to draw conclusions that go beyond the plain language
of such legal text to solve inconsistencies.
3) Interpretation of
a legal text takes place when we want to find the original meaning of such
legal text. All other types of constitutional analysis come under Construction.
4) Interpretation
deals with identifying the semantic meaning of a particular use of language in
a legal context. Construction is the process in which the meaning is applied to
particular factual circumstances.
5) Interpretation is
the process that is used to determine the linguistic meaning of a legal text.
The legal impact of the text can be ascertained through Construction.
6) A legal text can
be partially interpreted but it is necessary to complete construction of any
legal text as a whole.
7) Interpretation can
be seen as a broad form of Construction. Construction can be regarded as
nothing other than a method of Interpretation where the words are interpreted
vigorously and literally.
iPleaders Blog ( https://blog.ipleaders.in/ )
Legal Service India (
https://www.legalserviceindia.com/ )
Interpretation of Statutes’ by Prof. T. Bhattacharya.
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